Wednesday, May 19, 2010

There Is A Difference

I seen an interesting story in a Real Estate trade paper the other day. A realtor was asked why they should be selected over any other realtor because we all work with the same statistics and numbers. The agent replied, "Sure we all have the same data to work from but it's how we interpret that data that makes us better". Wow, what a great statement. So often people decide they want to go into real estate because they think it's an easy job. You just wait for the phone to ring, put your sign in the yard, maybe hold an open house or two and the hard part is done. It's no wonder that 6 years ago there were over 4000 realtors in our market. Last year this number was down to 1800. Of those 1800 over half only sold 2 properties.
What makes us different?
First, we make sure, thru extensive analysis, that your home is priced properly. Buyers have there pick right now. I just recently met with a woman whose house has been on the market for almost 2 years and has yet have anyone look at it. Our analysis says that it's over priced by at least $10,000. Buyers simply won't look at your home if a similar house down the street is selling for a lot less. She stayed with her current realtor and lowered her price by $5000. No one has still looked at her property.
Second, communication. When we are commissioned to sell a property we vow to let you know weekly what is happening as far as marketing your home. There is a perception that realtors once they stick a sign in your yard are secret agents. You never see them until it's time to renew your listing contract or the house sells. We're here to dispell that stereotype. You will always know as much as we do about the marketing of your home.
Third, experience. Our team has over 40 years of experience. Remember when I said that more than half of the realtors only sold 2 properties last year? Our team sold over 125! Quite a feat in a down market.
Fourth, Dedication. We are dedicated to provide our customers with the best possible professionalism and trust. You don't become a great company by bad press. You become the best by acting like the best. We WILL sell your home while looking out for your best interests at all times.
This is a great time to buy or sell a home. Things aren't all doom and gloom as everyone would have you believe. But please, for your sake, remember that either buying or selling a home is a huge investment of time, energy, and resources. Don't you deserve to use a real professional?
I look forward to talking to you soon.

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