Thursday, April 29, 2010

Magically Delicious

They stole me lucky charms! Not really, but I've always wanted to say that. I'm feeling Irish this morning, and yes my last name is Johnson, but we have a long storied Irish lineage on my mother's side. In fact, we have a coat of arms and at one time had a castle. But I'm not trying to brag or boast but rather say yes I'm a Johnson but I'm Irish as well doggonit. But I digress. Back on ST. Patricks Day, my son and his girlfriend, Lesli, and I all decided to go hear some authentic Irish music. Our quest led us to Fenian's Irish Pub in Conklin, Michigan. Now Conklin is an old farming town,where my father in law Roger Doane grew up, made up of a couple of churches, a grain elevator, and a world famous Irish Pub. Yes, I said world famous. Some of Ireland's best performers have, and still are performing at this little pub in the middle of nowhere. That night the three of us fell in love with the people and atmosphere of this place. Everyone was so friendly and the music was great from a group of local musicians.
Last night, Wednesday April 28th, we returned and this time my wife, Cherie, accompanied us. We wanted to do something special with Lesli who just finished attending Grand Valley State University. We remembered that Fenian's on Wednesdays always has an Irish Jam session. This session is open to any musician who wants to show up and play.
So, we went in time to eat there and they had a special of the night: Guinness Beef Stew. I didn't feel that brave so I had fish and chips. The jam session started at 7pm and it was literally people sitting at the tables at the front of the pub. They would do a tune, take time out for a pint, and then launch into another song. Also, a couple of enjoyable treats thru the evening is when one person in the pub would break into an accapella song and the whole pub would sing the chorus. It truly was a magically delicious evening.
I wholeheartedly recommend that if you enjoy Irish Folk Music, fun people, and life to it's fullest you need to visit Fenians. Here is their website for you to visit:
Tell them an old, bald leprechaun sent ya.

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